Erin Gibson Allen is an attorney practicing in the areas of pharmacy, antitrust, and general retail law at the Pittsburgh boutique law firm Marcus & Shapira. Erin works on complex multi-district litigation matters in diverse industries.
Erin left the practice of law for about 10 years after the birth of her sons. During that time Erin worked from home as a freelance writer for local publications, including for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Erin returned to the legal profession by creating a “returnship” with the Chief U.S. Magistrate for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Judge Lisa Pupo Lenihan. While working as a clerk in Judge Lenihan’s chambers, Erin worked with the local bar association and law schools to create a program, Back to the Bar, to aid other attorneys seeking to return to the profession of law. Back to the Bar ran for six weeks in 2012 with about 50 men and women participating.
Erin continues to meet with, encourage, and mentor other professionals seeking to change career paths or re-enter the legal profession. Erin earned a BA in political science and psychology from the University of Rochester and a JD from the University of Pittsburgh.
In 2020, Erin was elected as chair of the board of the Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh, a non-profit with 80+ employees dedicated to ending domestic violence. She has also served in leadership roles on the junior board of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Erin has also been elected partner in her law firm.
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