to leaving the traditional work force in 2007, Antoinette enjoyed
rewarding professional experiences in academic research that centered on
remote sensing applications related to environmental services, land
use/cover change and climate change variability impacts.
When her youngest child reached school age, Antoinette explored reentry into the workforce after an 8-year career break. Inspired and supported by her iRelaunch experience, she returned to work as an Analyst at the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation in June of 2015.
A graduate of Georgetown University with a focus on government and international relations, Antoinette worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) after completing her undergraduate degree. Her experiences there motivated her to pursue a master’s at the Yale University School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (YFES). At YFES, she became interested in remote sensing applications.
iRelaunch Note: Antoinette Wannabo attended the 2014 iRelaunch
Return-to-Work Conference and was a speaker at the 2016 iRelaunch
Return-to-Work Conference on the Relaunching in Non-Profits, Public
Sector, Education, Start-ups panel.
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