Should You Accept a Lower-Level Job After a Career Break?
People resuming careers after a long career break face a dilemma: Should they try to return to the same level or title they had before the break, or accept a lower-level position. Although practices vary, some experts believe relaunchers should focus on the initial opportunity as a foot in the…
For Professionals Returning to Work, There’s Power in the Cohort
The cohort plays a critical role by providing peer support, a place where vulnerability can be expressed and shared, and a forum for exchanging advice on personal and professional challenges.”
Why Some People Intentionally Take a Pay Cut When Resuming Their Careers
A close examination of those who resume their careers and voluntarily choose to work for less reveals they consciously deprioritize compensation in order to achieve other goals that are important to them.
If You Offer Mid-Career Internships, Flaunt It
Consider what a formal reentry program signals to employees. The employer is sending the message that it recognizes and accepts the reality that some of its employees’ career paths will include a break. For a talented young professional who might harbor some anxiety about how to balance work and the…
Companies Should Do More to Normalize Career Breaks
LinkedIn recently took steps to make it easier for people who take extended career breaks to better represent that time on their profiles. This is one step on normalizing such breaks. But companies can do more — and one step they should consider is better promotion and categorization of return-to-work…
How the Pandemic Has Created New Demand for Older Workers
Ordinarily, hiring managers tend to be skeptical of workers who have taken long career breaks or retired and want to return. They worry the workers’ skills have deteriorated or become obsolete, that they will face long ramp-up times, that they are overqualified, uncommitted, or are just too old. The current…
LinkedIn is adding ‘stay-at-home mom’ and more caretaker titles, as 2.3 million women leave the workforce
For years, those who've temporarily stopped working have asked LinkedIn for more ways to reflect a caregiving hiatus on their public, digital resumes. Now they’re finally getting some better options.
Comeback career! 12 smart job-searching tactics from those who got hired during the last economic downturn
It can feel daunting to look for a job after taking a career break, especially in this economic climate. But it can be done. Here’s what successful relaunchers did in 2008. Their tips and tricks can work for you too.
Return-to-Work Programs Come of Age
Millions of American women left the workforce during the pandemic, mostly to provide care for families when schools and other support systems closed. As the economy rebounds, companies will need to lure this talent back—and return-to-work programs provide a vehicle for doing so. These programs—aimed at mid-career professionals who’ve taken…