While I have always regarded design careers as a great option for relaunchers, I started thinking about them again when I received the October issue of Fast Company magazine, their design issue. “Design” is a broad category, encompassing building design, product design, typeface design, interior design, digital design of all…
The iRelaunch Return to Work Conference is a three day event full of education, inspiration and opportunity to connect with employers looking to hire professionals who have been on career…
Being open to new experiences and diverse opportunities is at the forefront of becoming a lifelong student. When we emerge from our cozy comfort zones and stretch ourselves, the magic of learning and the thirst for knowledge and creativity shine brightly. Here are a few tidbits to awaken the lifelong…
You’ve made it through a phone screen with a recruiter, an aptitude test, a personality assessment, a Skype call with HR and one face-to-face interview. Now, you’ve been invited for an all-day onsite interview. This is great news, you’re still in the running. Although, you need to recognize that full-day…
As the office parties continue and vacation plans are anticipated, people often forget that companies are open during the holidays. Believe or not, it’s business as usual. Don’t let the frenzy of the season be an excuse to slow up and disconnect from your job search. Often job openings are…
Congratulations – you have made the decision to relaunch your career! This is a very exciting decision, and you want to hold on to that excitement as you journey down the path of finding work. No matter the length of your career break, your decision to head back has likely…
Rejection can sting, especially when you haven't experienced it in a while. In fact, without a rejection strategy, you could find yourself derailing - just as you are finally executing on your career search. The great news is that learning to deal with rejection is like building a muscle that…
"After spending time at home with my baby, I am ready to go back to work and have been actively interviewing. Given the fields that I am looking at, having taken time off is often a deal breaker. I find that most interviewers (predominantly male) do not look favorably upon…
If you haven't thought about how you'll answer this question, it's time you do. According to an Indeed.com survey, 45 percent of people who relocated within the past year (2017 stats) did so for occupational reasons—either for long-term career prospects or for a job offer they couldn't resist. Determining whether…