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One-on-One Coaching

Not sure how to begin your relaunch? Or how to make it a success? Our select group of coaches, with years of experience working with relaunchers, will give you the one-on-one attention you need to make it happen!

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What can One-on-One Coaching do for you?

Get expert guidance from an experienced coach who has worked with hundreds of relaunchers facing and overcoming the toughest relauncher challenges. As your strategic thought partner, your coach will keep you accountable and moving forward until you reach the career relaunch goals you have set together. Your coach is your wise counsel, cheerleader, confidante, frank critic, sounding board, and for those who function best when responding to demands set by someone else, disciplinarian. As your trusted return to work ally, your iRelaunch coach is there with you every step of the way.

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Determine Your Unique Career Reentry Goals

A thoughtful career assessment is critical to the relaunch process. Your coach can guide you through an assessment of your interests, values, skills, and aptitudes and how they impact your career choices and environment. You'll get the feedback you need to get clarity on what you want to do when you relaunch.

Little bird navigates escape path through maze to freedom

Navigate the “New Job Search"

Things might have changed since your last job. LinkedIn profiles with new categories and features, interviews through Zoom or WebEx, initial screenings and candidate statements collected via automated video software, and researching companies on Twitter may be new to you. Your coach will help you learn how to use them effectively. You'll develop the language and materials conveying to an employer where you can add the most value.

Meet our iRelaunch-recommended career coaches...

Mary Beth Barrett Newman smiling in a headshot wearing a blue shirt

Mary Beth Barrett-Newman

During Mary Beth's 30-year career in the financial services industry, her coaching and mentoring expertise prompted her transition to career coaching.
Meet Mary Beth
Bryn Panee Burkhart coach headshot

Bryn Panee Burkhart

For over 20 years, Bryn has successfully coached mid-career professionals and executives, helping them navigate critical transition points and leadership challenges through a proven, structured process.
Meet Bryn
Kelly Huang headshot

Kelly Huang

A fellow relauncher, Kelly's career has zig-zagged to career coaching and she looks forward to sharing some of her experiences with you.
Meet Kelly
Heidi Ravis

Heidi Ravis

With 30+ years of experience as a career counselor, Heidi has helped adults in a wide range of professions draft compelling resumes to increase their confidence and clarity of self-presentation.
Meet Heidi
Sara Dickison Taylor smiles in her headshot wearing a white sweater and red necklace

Sara Dickison Taylor

Sara brings her perspective from nearly 20 years as a senior recruiter and Vice President of a Boston-based staffing agency. Her holistic executive and leadership coaching approach will pave your road to success.
Meet Sara
Matthew Temple Headshot Square

Matthew Temple

Matthew brings a wealth of experience delivering career and executive coaching and has presented hundreds of career workshops.
Meet Matthew