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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a relauncher, how can iRelaunch help me and where do I start?

iRelaunch can help you discern your readiness to relaunch, assess your career options, give you the tools you need to apply for jobs and develop the confidence you need to return to work.

  • Subscribe to our mailing list. Signing up is easy - just scroll to the bottom of any page of the iRelaunch page (or click here) to the "Stay Informed" box, where you will enter your email and zip code in the box on that page.* You will then start receiving email notices about job opportunities for relaunchers along with helpful articles and blog posts. All of this is free of charge and you can unsubscribe at any time.

*A quick note on why we ask for your zip code: iRelaunch often geo-targets relevant information, opportunities and events based on your location. This allows us to curate the best and most precise information for you right to your inbox.

  • Consider purchasing the iRelaunch Return to Work Roadmap. The 5-phase, 30 step online course that walks you through the steps of assessing your options and charting your course back to work. It is jam packed with practical advice and the tools you need to return to the workforce.
  • Update your resume and brush up on your interview skills. iRelaunch has many resources to help you with these and other needs specific to your relaunch.
  • Get inspired by examples of others who have successfully relaunched their careers or support from others going through the same process. We have tracked thousands of success stories from real-life relaunchers who have shared their journeys with us and we are diligently documenting these stories and publishing them with you in mind in the Success Stories archive.
  • Hear dozens of relaunch stories and get invaluable advice through the 3,2,1 iRelaunch Podcast, where you can listen to over 290 interviews with successful relaunchers, job transitioners, career experts and employers.
  • Join the iRelaunch Return to Work Forum*. Moderated by our career coaches, the Forum is a private Facebook group where relaunchers can share their questions, offer advice and get support from fellow relaunchers on the same journey.

*Please note the Facebook Forum is limited to relaunchers only and you must answer the two questions AND agree to the rules in order to be admitted. Please be sure you scroll down to answer all questions and agree to the rules or you will not be admitted.

For additional information please check out our Blog Posts and Podcasts that address this issue/question:

How do I find jobs on iRelaunch's Job Board?

The first step is to create an account on our Job Board! Watch this helpful video below to get started.

Once you've signed up, take a look at these other videos for instructions on navigating, searching open jobs, setting up job alerts and more!

Who can I talk to for advice about my job search?

We always recommend that relaunchers talk to the people who know them best when seeking advice about careers. Trusted friends and family are often the most perceptive when it comes to advising you on a decision as big as relaunching your career. That said, these people may also have their own biases which are not always helpful.

If you feel you need help in navigating this process, you may want to consider one-on-one personal coaching. iRelaunch has a team of personal career coaches who are all trained in helping people chart their return to the workforce. Take a look at their profiles and reach out to one or more of the coaches to schedule a brief conversation and determine if this is a good option for you. Each coach has their own process and fee schedule and will advise you on how they can best help you in your job search.

We also recommend talking to the career resource center at your alma mater or a local university. Many schools provide career services to their alumni for free or for a nominal fee. Community colleges are also a good place to look for career advice and to find local job listings.

Most metro areas have Jewish Vocational Service that can be good resources for job seekers offering career counseling among other services. Search for the internet for “Jewish Vocational Service” or “JVS” to find a chapter in your area. They welcome all people without regard to race, age, gender, religious preference and marital or economic status.

Finally, if you use social media and are looking for a group of like-minded relaunchers, we recommend joining iRelaunch's LinkedIn group as well as the iRelaunch Return to Work Forum* on Facebook. It is a private group designed exclusively for relaunchers and moderated by one of our coaches. In this group, relaunchers share their journeys – both the triumphs and the setbacks – in a supportive, judgement-free environment. It is also a good way to connect with other relaunchers in your area to form a local support group.

*Please note the Facebook Forum is limited to relaunchers only and you must answer the two questions AND agree to the rules in order to be admitted. Please be sure you scroll down to answer all questions and agree to the rules or you will not be admitted.

Unfortunately, iRelaunch staff are not available nor are they qualified to offer free career coaching.

For additional information please check out our Blog Posts and Podcasts that address this issue/question.

Is iRelaunch only for women or mothers?

Not at all!

Our services are open to anyone and everyone with a career break and for those looking for tactical information and strategies on how to relaunch their career.

While the majority of relaunchers tend to identify as women, iRelaunch's services, content and conferences open to all gender identities and expressions as well as to all natures or reasons someone may take a career break.

Is iRelaunch a job placement service?

iRelaunch is committed to connecting relaunchers with the employers who want to hire from this talent pool. We assist employers by helping them to develop return to work programs and other methods of sourcing relauncher talent. We provide relaunchers with the tools and confidence they need to be successful.

We are NOT a search or placement firm and we receive no compensation from employers for sourcing individual job applicants.

When you apply to a job or program you’ve heard about from iRelaunch, you are applying directly to the employer, not to iRelaunch.

What is the Return to Work Roadmap and how do I access it?

The Return to Work Roadmap is iRelaunch's step-by-step plan for returning to a rewarding career. Our unique 5 phase approach guides you through every step of the process. From figuring out "what you want to do all over again" to the tactical parts of the job search process customized especially for the relauncher, the iRelaunch Roadmap allows you to determine what steps are best for your unique needs.

You can learn more about the Return to Work Roadmap here.

If you already own the Roadmap, login below!

Login to Access Roadmap!

How do I explain my career break on my resume? In a cover letter?

The days of the having to account for every year of your life since college graduation are over. Lots of people take breaks for any number of reasons. Don’t apologize or make excuses. Simply state the fact that you were out of the paid workforce for a time and, if appropriate, identify the relevant experience and skills you developed during that time.

Focus instead on the skills and experience you bring to the job and your enthusiasm and readiness to return to the workforce.

And note, many formal career reentry programs require applicants to have been out of the workforce for a minimum number of years. Be sure your resume reflects that career break. If you have been doing part-time or contract work outside your field, leave it off your resume or mention it only as something you have been doing to keep busy or provide income during career break.

If you need professional help with your resume or cover letter, check out our Resume Services for Relaunchers.

For additional information please check out our Blog Posts and Podcasts that address this issue/question.

How do I figure out what I want to do?

The most important part of a career relaunch is deciding what you want to do in your next act. No matter how eager you are to get a back to work, don’t gloss over this step and simply rush to apply for jobs. You could find yourself in a job for which you are qualified but uninspired.

Take a look at the Return to Work Roadmap. By going through this self-paced online course, you will assess your career options and interests in order to focus your job search.

How do I learn more about a specific return to work program?

All career reentry programs are listed on our website on the Return to Work Programs Archive. Simply use the drop down menus to filter by location and type of program. Select the program you are interested in by hovering over the arrow icon to be taken to details about that organization's program and the qualifications required. We welcome you to get in touch with us if you have any additions or corrects to this list.

Additionally, you may want to reference our Champion Employer Page which highlights employers that are eager and interested in hiring relaunchers.

To apply for roles, please visit the iRelaunch Job Board to see if a role you are interested in has been posted there. You may need to return to the organization's page to submit your application if you do not see the role you are interested in listed on our Job Board.

Can you put me in touch with the hiring manager of a job/program advertised on your site?

iRelaunch serves as a conduit for relaunchers, giving them access to employers looking to hire from the relauncher talent pool. All applicants must submit their applications through the company’s career site or through our job board. We are not in a position to share contact information for specific hiring managers nor can we endorse or support individual applications.

Please refer to the previous question "How do I find jobs on iRelaunch's Job Board?" for more information on applying to jobs through our job board.

Do you have jobs/programs in my area?

The best way to find return to work programs in your area is to search the Return to Work Programs Archive on our site. You can search by geographic location and industry to look for programs that might be available in your area. Keep in mind that many of these programs do not run year-round.

However, the best way to stay informed about programs, opportunities, open application dates and new locations is to sign up for our emails.

What if there is no return to work program in my town or in my area of interest?

While formal, return to work internships have proliferated over the last few years, they are not the only way to return to work after a career break. In fact, most people successfully relaunch their careers by being hired directly into open positions.

If there is not a reentry program near to where you live on offering a position in your field, you may have to create your own “program” by suggesting to a prospective employer that they hire you on a temporary/trial basis.

Many relaunchers have successfully landed full-time, permanent positions by first working as a temporary employee or contractor. It’s a great way for an employer to see your work without making a permanent hire. It is also an opportunity for you to get a foot in the door, see if the company/position is a good fit for you and add current experience to your resume.

I'm interested in working at a company that doesn't have a return to work program. Can you contact them to start one?

We're always looking to connect with organizations eager to tap into the relauncher talent pool through a return to work program. We will of course look into potential leads for viability, but return to work programs take a lot of thought, effort and time to get off the ground so there's no guarantee the company will create a program, nor is the launch of such a program likely to align with your desired relaunch timeline.

However, just because there isn't a return to work program in existence today at your desired employer, doesn't mean that you can't be the first one to help pilot one! The best bet, especially for smaller organizations is to approach the company and use the "DIY" method (in addition to making the case for why you are so interested in working for this specific organization!)

For additional information please check out our Blog Posts and Podcasts that address this issue/question.

Everyone says the most effective job searches require networking. I don’t have a network. How do I find one?

Everyone says the most effective job searches require networking. I don’t have a network. How do I find one?

LinkedIn is a relauncher’s best friend. Use it to reach out to former colleagues and don’t forget the people who were junior to you when you left your last employer. They may now be hiring managers! Ask to connect with anyone who you remember from your past jobs and from volunteer and other activities you’ve been involved in during your career break. When you send a request to connect, make sure to add a personal note reminding them of your connection and letting them know you are considering a return to the workforce.

Search your current network of friends, neighbors and family members. Let them know what you are looking for and ask them to refer you to people they may know who can help you.

When you connect with people, DO NOT ASK THEM FOR A JOB. The purpose of networking is to build relationships that will eventually lead to a job. This takes time and patience and your networking will likely lead you in directions you may not have considered. When done correctly, effective networking will create opportunities that will come to you.

For additional information please check out our Blog Posts and Podcasts that address this issue/question.

Where do I login to my iRelaunch account?

The site through which you login to the Job Board is separate from the site through which you login to your iRelaunch account. You have an iRelaunch account if you own an iRelaunch product (such as the Return to Work Roadmap, a Virtual Conference, or the Mini-Course).

I've relaunched and I want to give back to other relaunchers. How can I get involved?

First of all, we're so pleased to hear of your successful relaunch! The best way to pay it forward is to share your success story so you can serve as inspiration and motivation to the relaunchers yet to come.

Please contact [email protected] to share your relaunch story!