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3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Normalizing career breaks®

...for relaunchers everywhere

Featured as a "Top Career Podcast" since its inception in 2017, 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch is our podcast focused on getting you Back on the Career Track and making your return to work smooth and successful. We feature strategies, advice and success stories about returning to work after a career break. Our full episode listing is below. It is regularly updated with new episodes. 

If you're not sure where to dive in, get your feet wet with one of our mini-series: Managing Through a Prolonged Job SearchRelaunching in Senior RolesMilitary Spouse Relaunches and Longest Career Break Relaunches. The entire mini-series library is here.

Do you enjoy our podcast and want to make sure other relaunchers can find our return to work advice? Be sure to rate, follow and leave a review of our podcast using our handy guide so we can reach even more relaunchers!

How to Rate and Review the 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

EP 282: Top Examples of Diversity Initiatives that Work, with iRelaunch Diversity Lead Janet Peterson

Janet Peterson is Diversity Lead at iRelaunch, and like many on the iRelaunch team, Janet is a relauncher. Prior to her five-year career break, Janet held leadership roles in sales, marketing, and training and advocacy at Johnson & Johnson, and at Xerox Corporation. She served as board member for the…

Episode 217: The "Superboss" Defined, and Why You Want to Work for One, with Sydney Finkelstein

Sydney Finkelstein is the Steven Roth Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. He has published 25 books and 90 articles, including the bestsellers Why Smart Executives Fail and Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent. Syd also hosts his own podcast, The…

Episode 179: Relauncher Advice From a Former Top Executive Search Professional, with David Boehmer

David Boehmer is the founder of career management advisory firm Banff Advisors. Prior to launching Banff Advisors, David headed up the Global Financial Services Practice for Heidrick & Struggles. David returned to the U.S. in 2017 after three years in the London office where he also led the Financial Services…

Episode 178: “Recalculating” and Navigating Work in a Virtual Environment, with Author Lindsey Pollak

Lindsey Pollak is the New York Times bestselling author of "Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next Generation of Leaders." Her 2019 book, "The Remix: How to Lead and Succeed in the Multigenerational Workplace" was named a Book of the Month by both the Wall Street Journal and Financial…

Episode 177: Developing Executive Presence - Relauncher Edition, with Selena Rezvani

Selena Rezvani is a popular Leadership Speaker and Inclusion Consultant as well as a LinkedIn Learning Instructor. In fact, her most popular LinkedIn Learning course is on Executive Presence, the topic of our podcast. Selena writes a column for Philadelphia Magazine on how to make work "work" and hosts a…

Episode 176: How to Talk with Your Team About Traumatic Current Events, with Ella F. Washington, PhD

Ella F. Washington, PhD, a professor of practice at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and the founder of diversity strategy firm Ellavate Solutions, is the lead author on the recently released Harvard Business Review article “How to Talk with Your Team About the Violence at the U.S. Capitol.” The…

Episode 174: Angel Investing & Equity Compensation Demystified with Pipeline Angels’ Nicole Cuellar-Lopez

Nicole Cuellar-Lopez is an angel investor with Pipeline Angels and she serves as Peloton Interactive's Senior Manager for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She invests in early-stage startups which have a positive social impact and are led by women and femmes. An Uber alum, where she started in the early years…

Episode 171: Navigating the Intergenerational Workforce When Relaunching - Charlotte Japp

Charlotte Japp is the founder of CIRKEL, a company that connects older and younger professionals for mutual personal and professional growth. Charlotte started her career in creative marketing and saw the consequences of age segregation in the workplace. Older and younger professionals needed to connect and learn from each other,…

Episode 151: How to Be Flexible and Fearless When Your Company Pivots During Covid - with Sarah Mills

Sarah Mills is Senior Director of Events for iRelaunch, which means she manages all iRelaunch conferences and events. She is a relauncher who took an 8 year career break but has now been back in the workforce for 10 years. Sarah had to embrace uncertainty and fearlessness when iRelaunch…

Episode 117: “How Carefully Managed Career Restarts Can Benefit Individuals and Employers" [rebroadcast from HBS Managing the Future of Work podcast]

Today’s episode of “3, 2, 1, iRelaunch” is a rebroadcast from an interview Carol did earlier this year with Joseph B. Fuller, Professor of Management Practice and Co-Director of the Project on Managing the Future of Work at Harvard Business School. In this episode (also entitled “Managing the Future of…