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3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

Normalizing career breaks®

...for relaunchers everywhere

Featured as a "Top Career Podcast" since its inception in 2017, 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch is our podcast focused on getting you Back on the Career Track and making your return to work smooth and successful. We feature strategies, advice and success stories about returning to work after a career break. Our full episode listing is below. It is regularly updated with new episodes. 

If you're not sure where to dive in, get your feet wet with one of our mini-series: Managing Through a Prolonged Job SearchRelaunching in Senior RolesMilitary Spouse Relaunches and Longest Career Break Relaunches. The entire mini-series library is here.

Do you enjoy our podcast and want to make sure other relaunchers can find our return to work advice? Be sure to rate, follow and leave a review of our podcast using our handy guide so we can reach even more relaunchers!

How to Rate and Review the 3, 2, 1 iRelaunch Podcast

EP 284: Harnessing disruption when you least expect it, a conversation with Carol Fishman Cohen

We are pleased to present you with a special broadcast of a previously recorded interview where Carol Fishman Cohen, host of the 3,2,1 iRelaunch podcast, CEO & Co-founder of iRelaunch, sits on the opposite side of the podcast mic and answers questions about her relaunch and more on the "Disrupt…

EP 283:Relaunch success in Tech Sales after a 17-year break and nearing age 50 with Elizabeth Andrew

Elizabeth Andrew is a top-producing technology sales executive, startup advisor, and TEDx speaker who has established herself as a leader, motivator, and role model. Elizabeth achieved career success by breaking down barriers in the San Francisco technology space at nearly 50 years old and after a 17-year career break, with…

EP 282: Top Examples of Diversity Initiatives that Work, with iRelaunch Diversity Lead Janet Peterson

Janet Peterson is Diversity Lead at iRelaunch, and like many on the iRelaunch team, Janet is a relauncher. Prior to her five-year career break, Janet held leadership roles in sales, marketing, and training and advocacy at Johnson & Johnson, and at Xerox Corporation. She served as board member for the…

EP 277: The Black Relaunchers' Perspective discussion; a Mocha Moms + iRelaunch event

Today, we are pleased to share an excerpt from The Black Relauncher’s Perspective Panel, a webinar hosted recently by Mocha Moms + iRelaunch. This panel highlights the professional return to work stories of four Black relaunchers, Catherine Duffy, Country Leader of Bermuda, AIG; Kuae Kelch, National President of Mocha Moms…

EP 276: Resume advice for relaunchers, with iRelaunch resume expert Heidi Ravis

Today we welcome Heidi Ravis, our iRelaunch recommended resume expert. Heidi has over 30 years experience working with relaunchers in a wide range of industries and situations. She's a relauncher herself and has a first-hand understanding of relauncher résumé challenges. In this episode, we speak with…

EP 275: From infrastructure consulting to public finance investment banking, with Ying Chen Axt

Ying Chen Axt spent six years as an Infrastructure project finance consultant before taking a nine year career break. While on career break, working around her child’s schedule, she studied for and passed the three rigorous and notoriously difficult Chartered Financial Analyst exams to gain the highly regarded CFA credential. …

EP 274: Strategies for a successful HR relaunch and the important role of SHRM, with Christine Fay

Christine Fay is the Human Resources Manager at Grenova, a biotechnology start-up focused on waste reduction solutions. A human resources professional with extensive experience in human capital consulting across a variety of sectors, from Fortune 500 companies to federal government agencies, Christine relaunched her HR career after a seven-year career…

EP 273: Negative Self-Talk and the Job Search with Steven Campbell, rebroadcast

Author, Speaker, Educator and Coach Steven Campbell joins Carol to discuss the power of the brain and how destructive negative self-talk can be, especially during a prolonged job search. Steven points out “your brain believes everything that you tell it” and having a more positive discussion with your brain can…