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What is the iRelaunch Return to Work Conference?

October 3 — October 5, 2023
Virtual, on the Brazen Platform

The iRelaunch Return to Work Conference is a three-day event full of education, inspiration and opportunity to connect with employers looking to hire professionals who have been on a career break. Whether you are just beginning your relaunch or testing the waters to see if now is the time to return to work, the Conference will provide the tools and inspiration you need to take the next step. If you have been trying to relaunch and not getting the results you had hoped for, the Conference is a great way to gain insight into the relaunching process and, most importantly, meet employers who want to talk to you.

All registrants receive complimentary access to the Return to Work Roadmap when they register. We recommend starting to work through this online resource prior to attending the Conference in order to make the most of your Conference experience.

iRelaunch Return to Work Conference Agenda

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Online, Via Zoom

Pre-Conference Zoom Call with Carol Fishman Cohen

Join Carol as she sets the stage for next week's Conference. We will walk through how to enter the Conference and how to get in line and chat with our employer sponsors. This is a not-to-miss event.

This special pre-Conference session will take place on Zoom, not on Brazen.

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Online, via Brazen

The Conference Doors OPEN

There are two ways to ENTER the Conference lobby:

  1. Through the email link in your inbox (it will arrive on Monday, October 2)
  2. Through your iRelaunch account, here

5 minutes before a session is to begin, ENTER the session booth and wait for a video stream to appear. Once in the booth, please continue to refresh your screen or leave and enter the booth again if you don't see a video stream.

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11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Online, via Brazen

Welcome Address, JPMorgan Chase

Celebrating 10 years of success with their ReEntry Program, we are thrilled to have JPMorgan Chase as our Lead Sponsor for the Conference. Hear Tace Heuston, Global Head of Talent Development, speak about the many advantages of entering the workforce as a relauncher, and the value the relauncher brings to the employer.

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Welcome Speaker
Tace Heuston's headshot in circular frame
Tace Heuston J.P. Morgan Asset & Wealth Management (AWM) - Executive Director, Global Head of the Talent Institute
Collen Olson Brick Background Headshot
Colleen Olson iRelaunch - Senior Director of Business Development
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Online, via Brazen

Keynote Address

Hear from CEO and Co-founder Carol Fishman Cohen as she discusses the important steps to take as you embark on your relaunch journey. Where do you begin? What should you do? How can you leverage your time away from the workforce? She will answer all these questions and more during her keynote address.

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Keynote Speaker
Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Employer Panel I

Our employer panels are an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the hiring and onboarding processes within career reentry and direct hire programs. Join our company representatives as they share their perspectives of the various cultures and practices within their organizations. Employer representatives speaking during this panel will be DTCC, JPMorgan Chase, and PepsiCo.

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Elizabeth Gish's headshot with a brick wall in the background
Elizabeth Gish iRelaunch - Managing Director
Blair Bennett headshot
Blair Bennett PepsiCo - Senior Vice President, Global Talent Acquisition
Cedric Layton J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - Vice President - Global ReEntry Program Manager
Allice Avellanet's headshot in circular frame
Alice Avellanet DTCC - Director, Diversity & Inclusion
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Online, via Brazen

Assessing Your Career Options

Join iRelaunch expert career coach, Bryn Panee Burkhart, as she guides you through an introspective process that helps you illuminate and define your relaunch path. This is the first step in relaunching your career. At the end of Bryn's session she will answer questions from audience members.

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Bryn Panee Burkhart's headshot in circular frame
Bryn Panee Burkhart Bright Evolution Leadership Coaching, LLC- Founder & Principal; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Online, via Brazen

Conference doors OPEN

There are two ways to ENTER the Conference lobby:

  1. Through the email link in your inbox (it will arrive on Tuesday, October 3)
  2. Through your iRelaunch account, here

5 minutes before a session is to begin, ENTER the session booth and wait for a video stream to appear. Once in the booth, please continue to refresh your screen or leave and enter the booth again if you don't see a video stream.

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11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Online, via Brazen

Employer Panel II

Our employer panels are an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the hiring and onboarding processes within career reentry and direct hire programs. Join our company representatives as they share their perspectives of the various cultures and practices within their organizations. Employer representatives speaking during this panel will be Johnson & Johnson and Moody's.

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Carla Dosmond 1080 X1080
Carla Dosmond iRelaunch - Business Development Executive
Sklopfer headshot
Sarah Klopfer Johnson & Johnson - Global Program Leader for Re-Ignite
Alexander Trusty Moodys Pic 2
Alexander Trusty Moody's Corporation - Global Diversity Sourcing Specialist
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Online, via Brazen

Ask the Coaches

Based on questions you submitted at the time of registration, our expert career coaches will provide answers to what YOU want know about relaunching your career.

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Mary Beth Barrett-Newman's headshot in circular frame
Mary Beth Barrett-Newman 2nd Career Consulting - President; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
Sara Dickison Taylor's headshot in circular frame
Sara Dickison Taylor Celebrate Life by Design, LLC - President & Founder; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
Matthew Temple's headshot in circular frame 1080 X 1080
Matthew Temple Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University - Senior Director of Alumni Career & Professional Development; iRelaunch Advisory Board member
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Online, via Brazen

Hear Their Relaunch Stories

They were just like you. Their goal was to relaunch their careers after a career break. Learn how they succeeded, what advice they want you to hear, and easily avoidable mistakes they don't want you to make during your career relaunch.

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
Judd Cool
Judd Cool Utah Department of Natural Resources- Environmental Scientist
Natalie Hood DSCF3787 007
Natalie Hood Eide Bailly - Regional Marketing Specialist
Marion Viray
Marion Viray Brown Brothers Harriman - Employee Engagement Coordinator for DEI & Philanthropy
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Online, via Brazen

Closing Remarks

Carol Fishman Cohen recaps the past two days of the Conference. Highlighting important information for your career relaunch. 

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Online, via Brazen

Networking with Employers

PRO TIP: When the Conference is live, wait times might be long. Don't leave your computer unattended. Once every 30 minutes, move your mouse or click on a link within one of the Conference booths, otherwise Brazen will log you out of the Conference and you will lose your place in line. If this happens, and you are logged out of the Conference, follow the steps below in order to log back in.

There are two ways to enter the Conference.

1. Sign in through the email that was sent to you this morning.

2. Sign in through your iRelaunch account and find the tile that says ENTER DAY 3 

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Lead Sponsor

Partner Sponsors

Friend Sponsors

Community Sponsors


Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance

Carol Fishman Cohen

iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder

Allice Avellanet's headshot in circular frame

Alice Avellanet

DTCC - Director, Diversity & Inclusion

Mary Beth Barrett-Newman's headshot in circular frame

Mary Beth Barrett-Newman

2nd Career Consulting - President; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach

Blair Bennett headshot

Blair Bennett

PepsiCo - Senior Vice President, Global Talent Acquisition

Bryn Panee Burkhart's headshot in circular frame

Bryn Panee Burkhart

Bright Evolution Leadership Coaching, LLC- Founder & Principal; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach

Judd Cool

Judd Cool

Utah Department of Natural Resources- Environmental Scientist

Elizabeth Gish's headshot with a brick wall in the background

Elizabeth Gish

iRelaunch - Managing Director

Tace Heuston's headshot in circular frame

Tace Heuston

J.P. Morgan Asset & Wealth Management (AWM) - Executive Director, Global Head of the Talent Institute

Natalie Hood DSCF3787 007

Natalie Hood

Eide Bailly - Regional Marketing Specialist

Sklopfer headshot

Sarah Klopfer

Johnson & Johnson - Global Program Leader for Re-Ignite


Cedric Layton

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - Vice President - Global ReEntry Program Manager

Collen Olson Brick Background Headshot

Colleen Olson

iRelaunch - Senior Director of Business Development

Sara Dickison Taylor's headshot in circular frame

Sara Dickison Taylor

Celebrate Life by Design, LLC - President & Founder; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach

Matthew Temple's headshot in circular frame 1080 X 1080

Matthew Temple

Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University - Senior Director of Alumni Career & Professional Development; iRelaunch Advisory Board member

Alexander Trusty Moodys Pic 2

Alexander Trusty

Moody's Corporation - Global Diversity Sourcing Specialist

Marion Viray

Marion Viray

Brown Brothers Harriman - Employee Engagement Coordinator for DEI & Philanthropy

When I attended the iRelaunch Spring conference in 2022, I never could have imagined the profound impact it would have on my professional journey. I gained friends through this conference who shared the same aspirations and we were accountable for each other's progress. The roadmap provided by iRelaunch served as a guiding light during my job search, offering a comprehensive and practical framework to navigate the often daunting return to the workforce. It is my sincere hope that more individuals will discover the immense value iRelaunch has to offer and take advantage of the life-changing resources you provide.

Priya Venkatesan
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Who should attend?

This Conference is about relaunching your career. It is open to the public and meant for anyone who has the desire to get back to work after a multi-year career break regardless of your industry or field, the length of your career break, or the reason you chose to take a career break (child or elder care, health issues, pursuit of a personal interest, etc.).

Is this event only for women or mothers?

Not at all!

The event is open to anyone who has taken a career break, who is looking for tactical information and strategies on how to relaunch their career.

What can I expect?

The event will take place virtually over the course of 3 days. The first two days will consist of content only and will not have any networking with sponsoring employers. The entirety of Day 3 will be dedicated only to networking with these incredible sponsors.

How will content be delivered?

Upon Conference registration, you will immediately receive access to the iRelaunch Return to Work Roadmap and other important content to help you prepare in the months leading up to the event.

During the 3-day Conferences, you will

  • hear from iRelaunch CEO and Co-founder Carol Fishman Cohen in a live keynote address
  • hear from return to work career reentry leaders from some of the nation’s largest employers on return to work career reentry strategies, what employers are looking for and the latest in return to work career reentry programming (live employer panel discussions)
  • attend our popular “Assessing Your Career Options” workshop (live session)
  • get top advice from our iRelaunch coaching team (live panels)
  • visit with employer sponsor representatives who are hiring relaunchers (live employer booths)

How will I connect with employers?

iRelaunch has done extensive research to find the best platform available for conversations between job seekers and employers.

Through the platform's orderly queue, you'll be able to have focused, text-based chat conversations and may also be invited by the Representative to video or audio chat. You will have the option to accept the invitation to begin video or audio chatting or to decline and continue the text chat. Read how the Video-Audio-Chat experience will be during the Conference.

Your resume, if already uploaded to your profile, is automatically provided to employers when you enter their booths to chat.

With this easy-to-use, online chat platform, you'll be able to confidently make your best impression and begin meaningful conversations with employers.

Do I need any special technology to attend?

Nope! There are no downloads or plug-ins required to participate in an event on the Brazen platform. You just need a strong internet connection and one of our supported browsers.

All modern browsers which support WebRTC, including the latest versions of:

  • Chrome (desktop and mobile)
  • Version 83 and higher for Windows
  • Safari (desktop and mobile; screen sharing feature is limited)
  • Firefox
  • MS Edge

NOTE: Some sponsors may invite you to a video chat, if you choose to participate in a video chat you must make sure your camera and microphone are enabled.

My favorite part of the day was when I was able to connect with recruiters from different companies, from the comfort of my home. It gave me newfound confidence and lifted my spirits. What's more, I have a few companies who gave me great feedback and have an interview lined up as well. Thank you, Team iRelaunch for creating this platform and making this otherwise confusing, lonesome journey very productive.

May 2022 Conference Attendee
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