iRelaunch Return to Work Conference October 2016
The 19th iRelaunch Return to Work Conference held at Columbia University welcomed nearly 600 attendees.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeBrava to the whole iRelaunch team for putting together such a high quality, first-rate conference. The day was both inspiring and extremely practical. The quality of the recruiters is a true testament to the respect and reputation Carol Fishman Cohen has built up over the years - she has done so much for our community and we are so grateful!
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeOnce you put the steps into motion, you too can be well on your way to re-enter the workforce. This was an excellent venue which enabled me to proudly and boldly proclaim to [an employer] "I want to work for you" without having to apologize for taking a career break. The normalization of returning to work after a career break is wonderful step forward. Thank you!
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeI attended your iRelaunch conference in September. The experience was invaluable, motivating and very informative. I really enjoyed your key note speech and hearing your story. I could also really relate to the photo you showed of yourself in "mum/home mode" rather than "office/working mode" - it is my familiar look. Meeting like-minded people at the conference was also enjoyable - I made some great connections, heard many interesting stories and learnt new ideas from people attending the conference.
Meeting prospective employers was also invaluable. Their encouragement and interest was really motivating as was being able to share my career story with them. The prospective employers were so open and positive, this was refreshing in light of the many other conversations I have had with potential employers who have viewed my career break as something negative and have essentially ignored my work experience, skills and qualifications.
The breakout sessions were also beneficial. I particularly enjoyed one breakout session that spoke about the importance of being social media savvy- this prompted me to start using lnstagram and Snapchat which has improved my networking.
I came back from the iRelaunch conference instilled with a new sense of confidence and positivity. I promptly tackled a number of returnship application forms looking at my skills and qualifications with a fresh outlook. I am thrilled that my enthusiasm and new found energy has paid o f f - I am so excited to be joining Goldman Sach's Returnship Program as part of their Compliance Department and will be starting in early January 2017.
I am very grateful to you and the iRelaunch team for your work, words of encouragement and wonderful conference.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeThe iRelaunch conference gave me many practical "takeaways", which I plan to incorporate into my job search. It was a very well organized event, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is thinking about relaunching, or is already involved in the process.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeThis conference delivers! At the end of the day I felt energized. My confidence level has gone up because I know what I must do. I will relaunch!! Thanks iRelaunch!
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeThe iRelaunch Return To Work Conference was an amazing experience. It was an honor to be part of this event. The conference is truly a gathering of high quality professionals.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeI am at the beginning of the relaunch process. I walked away with a strong action plan, a network of like-minded relaunchers who can offer support, and a positive 'I can do this' mindset.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeSo worth attending! Great insight and inspiration from successful relaunchers, coaches, and company/organization recruiters. I highly recommend the conference!
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeOne of the best organized conferences I've ever attended.
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeAll coaches and presenters were very open and accessible. Great supportive environment - left feeling energized and with increase clarity about my next steps.
We have eight awesome ladies in our post-iRelaunch support group who are committed to helping each other reach our goals, and I can't tell you how much difference it makes not to be alone in the process.2016 NYC Conference Attendee
2016 NYC Conference AttendeeI’m thrilled to report that one of the sponsors from your Septmber 2016 Return-to-Work Conference just hired me!
iRelaunch organized me, inspired me, and provided excellent networking opportunities. With the dizzying array of resources available to the job seeker, your program cut through the excess of information and created an effective template for me to follow. I’m grateful that a friend recommended iRelaunch to me a few years ago and look forward to referring my peers to you as they enter their relaunch journey.
Not only do I hope to lead an initiative to develop the women's market, I also hope to encourage other women to consider this career path!
Thanks for creating this amazing program...