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Registration is now OPEN!

It's Time to Relaunch Your Career!

May 6 — May 8, 2025
Virtual, on the Radancy platform

Your launchpad to success

The iRelaunch Return to Work Conference is dedicated to helping you best prepare for your relaunch and get hired; we will meet you where you are anywhere in the career reentry process, from "I'm just starting" to "I'm ready!".

Connect with employers hiring relaunchers for their career reentry jobs, returnships and programs at our virtual job fair, watch live as employer senior leaders and program managers discuss their programs and why they value relaunchers in their organizations, get excellent job search advice from top relaunch coaches and hear relaunchers who are back at work talk frankly about their job searches and what led to their successful hires.

Unlock valuable insights and information

If you're feeling stuck in the career reentry maze, yearning to return to work but hitting roadblocks, the Conference is your gateway to unlocking invaluable insights into the relaunch process.

iRelaunch Return to Work Conference Agenda

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Virtual, via Zoom Add to calendar

Pre-Conference Session #1: Mastering Your Professional Profile: Resume & LinkedIn Advice

Crafting a compelling professional profile is essential in today's competitive job market. Your resume and LinkedIn profile serve as digital-first impressions, often determining whether you'll land an interview or be passed over. Don't miss this valuable session where Heidi Ravis, iRelaunch Career Coach, will share essential tips to optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile.

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Heidi Ravis
Heidi Ravis
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Virtual, via Zoom Add to calendar

Pre-Conference Session #2: Know Before You Go!

The iRelaunch Team is committed to maximizing your Conference success.

We'll offer key strategies for optimizing your Radancy Conference profile, effectively leveraging the Roadmap, and increasing your chances of engaging with our employer sponsors. We'll be on hand to address these topics and any other questions you may have, ensuring you're fully prepared to make the most of your Conference experience.

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11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

The Conference Doors will be OPEN

Unlock your opportunities: Conference doors swing wide!

Get ready to kickstart your conference experience when the doors open wide!

Step into the vibrant Conference lobby by:

  • Using the exclusive email link arriving on Monday, May 5, 2025. Click through and dive straight into the action!
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11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Deloitte - Welcome Address

We're honored to welcome Deloitte as the Lead Sponsor of our Conference. Don't miss the discussion on the benefits of rejoining the workforce after a career break and the unique value relaunchers offer employers.

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Welcome Speaker
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Unleash Your Potential: Keynote Address with Carol Fishman Cohen

Join us as Carol reveals the essential blueprint for your relaunch journey! Explore actionable insights on where to start, what to do, and how to maximize your time away from the workforce. Don't miss out on this empowering way to start your day.

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Keynote Speaker
Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Online Add to calendar

Inside Perspectives: Exploring Hiring and Onboarding Practices with Employers

Dive into hiring and onboarding processes with our exclusive employer panels! Gain invaluable insights into career reentry and direct hire programs straight from the minds of company representatives. Explore diverse cultures and practices shaping today's workforce landscape. 

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To be announced
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Chart Your Course: Navigate Your Relaunch Journey with Expert Guidance from Bryn Panee Burkhart

Illuminate your path and define your career relaunch with an introspective session tailored just for you. This essential step sets the stage for your next career chapter. 

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Bryn Panee Burkhart's headshot in circular frame
Bryn Panee Burkhart Bright Evolution Leadership Coaching, LLC- Founder & Principal; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
11:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

The Conference Doors will be OPEN

Unlock your opportunities: Conference doors swing wide!

Get ready to kickstart your conference experience when the doors open wide!

Step into the vibrant Conference lobby by:

  • Using the exclusive email link arriving on Tuesday, May 6th. Click through and dive straight into the action!

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11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Inside Perspectives 2: Exploring Hiring and Onboarding Practices with Employers

Dive into hiring and onboarding processes with our exclusive employer panels! Gain invaluable insights into career reentry and direct hire programs straight from the minds of company representatives. Explore diverse cultures and practices shaping today's workforce landscape.

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To be announced
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Your Career, Your Questions: Expert Coaches Deliver Tailored Insights

Get ready to have your burning questions answered! Our dynamic team of expert career coaches will dive into the questions you submitted during registration, delivering tailored insights directly addressing your career relaunch concerns.

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
Mary Beth Barrett-Newman's headshot in circular frame
Mary Beth Barrett-Newman 2nd Career Consulting - President; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
Kelly huang
Kelly Huang Career Transformation; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
Sara Dickison Taylor's headshot in circular frame
Sara Dickison Taylor Celebrate Life by Design, LLC - President & Founder; iRelaunch Recommended Career Coach
Matthew Temple's headshot in circular frame 1080 X 1080
Matthew Temple Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University - Senior Director of Alumni Career & Professional Development; iRelaunch Advisory Board member
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Unlock Success: Empowering Insights from Career Relaunch Trailblazers

Dive into expert strategies, must-hear advice, and critical pitfalls directly from relaunchers like you! Learn their secrets to overcoming common obstacles and achieving success.

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
To be announced
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Key Insights from the Conference with Carol Fishman Cohen

Propel your success forward and harness these insights to supercharge your networking opportunities with employer sponsors on Day 3.

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance
Carol Fishman Cohen iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Online, via Brazen Add to calendar

Networking with Employers

PRO TIP: When the Conference is live, wait times might be long. Don't leave your computer unattended. Once every 30 minutes, move your mouse or click on a link within one of the Conference booths, otherwise Brazen might log you out of the Conference and you will lose your place in line. If this happens, and you are logged out of the Conference, follow the steps below in order to log back in.

There are two ways to enter the Conference.

1. Sign in through the email that was sent to you this morning.

2. Sign in through your iRelaunch account and find the tile that says ENTER DAY 3 

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Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance

Carol Fishman Cohen

iRelaunch - CEO and Co-founder


Lead Sponsor

Partner Sponsors

Friend Sponsors

Thank you for creating this safe space for relaunchers - it helped me understand that I am not alone, and that possibility of landing my next big thing is definitely doable, in the otherwise lonely and frustrating job hunt.

Chitra Srisankar Successful relauncher and conference attendee
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In the past 48 hours I've implemented many tips for strengthening my resume, preparing for interviews/chats, and applied to several re-launcher and re-ignite programs. Were it not for these panel sessions, I can guarantee I would flub my interviews and be totally unprepared for the chats. Here are some of my take-aways:

  • Stay positive
  • 'Do it scared' (everything new is by definition outside your comfort zone)
  • Mine your work and volunteer experiences (also your career break) for where you learned and practiced transferable skills
  • Pre-prepare chat messages in a document to copy and paste in order to save time and make more use of the 10min chat opportunities.
October 2023 conference attendee
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Who should attend?

This Conference is about relaunching your career. It is open to the public and meant for anyone who has the desire to get back to work after a multi-year career break regardless of your industry or field, the length of your career break, or the reason you chose to take a career break (child or elder care, health issues, pursuit of a personal interest, etc.).

Is this event only for women?

Not at all!

The event is open to anyone who has taken a career break, and is looking for tactical information and strategies on how to relaunch their career.

What can I expect?

The event will take place virtually over the course of 3 days. The first two days will consist of content only and will not have any networking with sponsoring employers. The entirety of Day Three will be dedicated to networking with our incredible sponsors.

How will content be delivered?

The Conference will take place on the Radancy platform.

During the three-day Conference, you will:

  • Hear from iRelaunch CEO and Co-founder Carol Fishman Cohen in a live keynote address
  • Hear from some of the nation’s largest employers on return to work career reentry strategies, what employers are looking for and the latest in return to work career reentry programming and returnships (live employer panel discussions)
  • Attend our popular “Chart Your Course: Navigate Your Relaunch Journey with Expert Guidance from Bryn Panee Burkhart” workshop (live session)
  • Get top advice from our iRelaunch coaching team (live panels)
  • Hear from successful relaunchers on how they returned to work
  • Visit with employer sponsor representatives who are hiring relaunchers (live employer booths)

How will I connect with employers?

iRelaunch uses the Radancy platform, which optimizes the experience for employers and relaunchers to connect at our virtual career fair.

When you register for the Conference, make sure to follow through to the link on the Brazen platform to complete your profile and resume upload there so the employer sponsors can see your full background.

Through the platform's orderly queue, you'll be able to have focused, text-based chat conversations and may also be invited by the representative to video or audio chat. You will have the option to accept the invitation to begin video or audio chatting or to decline and continue the text chat. Read how the Video-Audio-Chat experience will be during the Conference.

Your resume, if already uploaded to your profile, is automatically provided to employers when you enter their booths to chat.

With this easy-to-use online chat platform, you'll be able to confidently make your best impression and begin meaningful conversations with employers.

Do I need any special technology to attend?

Nope! There are no downloads or plug-ins required to participate in an event on the Radancy (formerly Brazen) platform. You just need a strong internet connection and one of our supported browsers.

The list below is not all inclusive, but it does have the minimum requirements for a successful event.

Click here if you don't know which browser you're using.

For PC-Based Participants

  • MS Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
  • Windows 7 or higher
  • Cable Modem, DSL, or better Internet connection

For Mac-Based Participants

  • Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari
  • Mac OS X 10.7 - Lion or newer
  • Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection

For Smartphone / Tablet Participants

  • Safari
  • Google Chrome

Please note: Online events happen in real-time. Connection speeds between hundreds of participants can differ significantly depending on geography, proximity to wifi/cellular signals, and the capacity of those networks. Broken connections can disrupt chats and can cause users to be kicked out of the event.

If you have any questions about our virtual platform, please see here.

My favorite part of the day was when I was able to connect with recruiters from different companies, from the comfort of my home. It gave me newfound confidence and lifted my spirits. What's more, I have a few companies who gave me great feedback and have an interview lined up as well. Thank you, Team iRelaunch for creating this platform and making this otherwise confusing, lonesome journey very productive.

May 2022 Conference Attendee
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