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PowerToFly hosts iRelaunch: Now is the Time to Propose a Career Reentry Program

February 2, 2023

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With demand for gender and other types of diverse high-caliber talent continuing to be strong as we enter 2023, now is an excellent time for visionary Recruiting and HR leaders to propose a career reentry program. Career reentry programs enable employers to tap into the hidden and high caliber pool of mid-career professionals returning to work after multi-year career breaks. iRelaunch refers to this experienced population as "relaunchers." This talent pool is primarily female and consists of those who have taken career breaks for a range of reasons unrelated to their work performance. Join iRelaunch Managing Director Elizabeth Gish to learn key steps to creating a career reentry program and hear about the latest innovations and best practices in programming.

    About this Session

    1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

    Now is the Time to Propose a Career Reentry Program

    Career reentry programs, often based on an internship-like model called a “returnship,” are a win for all involved; employers get access to a pipeline of experienced, educated potential hires and program participants get the opportunity to re-enter the paid workforce through a life-transforming opportunity.

    Join our chat with Elizabeth Gish, Managing Director at iRelaunch, as she’ll dive deeper into how to create career reentry programs, share examples of successful programs and why your organization should consider launching one.

    During this Chat, Elizabeth will talk about:

    • Why leading your employer's career reentry program pilot can be the ultimate opportunity for you to create a brand new program that advances your organizations diversity goals and mid-career hiring needs, and gain visibility from senior management
    • The business case for an employer career reentry program
    • Relaunchers and the value they bring to employers
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    Elizabeth Gish's headshot with a brick wall in the background
    Elizabeth Gish iRelaunch - Managing Director

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