2022 iRelaunch Virtual Employer Summit
Innovations, Best Practices & Trends in employer career reentry programs and programming

Innovations, Best Practices & Trends in employer career reentry programs and programming
The iRelaunch Virtual Employer Summit brings together the leading minds in building return to work programs. The Summit provides the opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss innovations with peers, and benefit from the subject matter expertise of iRelaunch. Attendees will have the added benefit of becoming part of the expanding network of return to work champions and program managers that comprise the iRelaunch Employer Community.
Tabbi Fink (Former) LexisNexis Encore Program ManagerThe summit was EXCELLENT! It was awesome to hear from companies that have more mature returnship programs and how they pivoted in light of covid. I also really enjoyed the program manager session. Overall, it was refreshing to know that others have faced some similar challenges and understand how they’ve overcome them.

iRelaunch's Vision
At iRelaunch, our vision is for every employer running an entry level student internship program to be running a mid-career return to work (RTW) program, side by side.
The goal is for employers to develop a dedicated talent pipeline to hire high performing, high caliber relaunchers using in-house RTW programs.

Private, after-Summit Recap and Debrief Session with iRelaunch Experts
Have more questions after attending the Summit? Leaders of the iRelaunch Consulting Practice, Carol Fishman Cohen, Jennifer Howland, and Nivedita Joshi Naithani, will schedule a one hour session with representatives from each organization to recap, debrief and answer additional questions (one per organization).

HR Certification Institute
Approved for up to 8.25 Recertification Credit Hours

Society of Human Resources Management
Approved for up to 8.25 Professional Development Credits

The iRelaunch Virtual Employer Summit agenda features topics we know our employers most want to learn about and discuss. Highlights include:
- View from the top - a "C-suite relauncher" and a leading champion of employer return to work programs give us their perspectives on relaunching and career reentry programs from their unique vantage points.
- The latest trends we are seeing in career reentry programs and programming, including the Pandemic impact: What's changed, what's stayed the same and what will never be the same. Get a broad understanding of where career reentry programs are going and what is most important to think about now, with the future trends in mind.
- Getting Managers on Board- We make the clear case for why managers and their line of business leaders will want to get involved and stay involved in an organization's career reentry program.
- Hear from the leader of the largest scaling career reentry program
- Hear from the leader of the first public sector return to work program.
- Learn how two global employer programs were completely reimagined plus one added a Covid-related program.
- From building program from scratch to changing the model of your program to the career reentry program leader handoff when a new leader comes on board, the Summit will include relevant and valuable content whether your program is still being contemplated or has been running for years.
Concurrent tracks/special sessions for
- Future and Early Stage Program Track: Where do I start?
- Mature and Later Stage Program Track: How to make them even better?
Please note time zones specified in each session below. Due to a bug in the event schedule's software, the add to calendar function WILL NOT ADJUST to your time zone unless you are located in the Eastern Time Zone.
2021 Employer Summit AttendeeI absolutely LOVED the openness of communication at every session. Also the fact that you had sessions for companies starting from zero vs companies that are more established was great for ensuring the most relevant information sharing for everyone.

Who Should Attend?
Employer representatives who:
- run RTW programs and want to learn about innovations and problem solving at employer RTW programs that have produced the best results
- have piloted RTW programs, are now expanding them, and want to understand how successful expansions have rolled out
- are considering launching a RTW program and want to discover the range of RTW program models and approaches, and why employers decide on one or the other
- want to recruit relaunchers but not necessarily through a formal RTW program and are interested in learning more about this talent pool
2021 Employer Summit AttendeeIt was time well spent! There was a lot of insights shared and the conversations were all very supportive. A great community to belong to!

Important note for prospective attendees
The Summit is a private event for a specific, employer-only audience. We vet all prospective attendees, and are only able to admit representatives from employers with existing return to work programs, or those interested in starting one.
Please also note that this event is not recorded, and we strongly encourage attendees to reserve their time on March 1st and 2nd to actively attend the Summit sessions. We adopt these policy to provide a private, comfortable setting for our speakers who are speaking frankly about their programs and their roles.
The Summit fee is $495 per person. Please indicate your interest to register here and we will be in touch shortly to follow up with registration details and logistics.
2021 Employer Summit AttendeeThank you for offering this. Very worthwhile!