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2021 Conference Attendee Demographics

Combined 2021 Conference Attendees Gender Identity Graph

Gender Identity

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences  answered the question: To what gender identity do you most identify with?

Of note is the increasing trend of male representation in our Conference attendee demographics since our first Return to Work Conferences as documented in our October 2021 White Paper: Men Who Relaunch.

May Combined 2021 Conference Attendees Gender Identity Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Gender Identity Breakdown

October Combined 2021 Conference Attendees Gender Identity Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Gender Identity Breakdown

2021 Conference Attendees Ethnic Identity Graph

Ethnic Identity

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: To what ethnicity do you most identify with?

Please note that in an attempt to be more respectful to the nuances and varying experiences of different racial and ethnic groups, adjustments were made to the available answers to this question from the May 2021 to the October 2021 Conference. These changes are reflected in the following charts:

  • Separating the choice of African American or Black to distinct categories
  • Separating the choice of Hispanic or Latino to distinct categories
  • Adding the choice of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
May 2021 Conference Attendees Ethnic Identity Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Ethnic Identity Breakdown

October 2021 Conference Attendees Ethnic Identity Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Ethnic Identity Breakdown

2021 Conference Attendees Education Graph


Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: Please indicate your highest level of education.

May 2021 Conference attendees were allowed to select multiple answers on this question if they had more than one advanced degree that may be considered "highest."

For October 2021, we adjusted this question to require only one answer for this question and added a secondary question: If you have more than one advanced degree, please select which degree(s) you hold.

2021 Conference Attendees Dual Degrees Graph

2021 In Aggregate

Across both 2021 Conferences - 13% indicated they had more than 1 advanced degree through either multiple selections for May 2021 attendees or through the secondary question asked of October 2021 attendees. Of those represented in this 13%, 72% of the secondary degrees were Other Master's, 21% were MBA's, 4% JD's, 2% PhD and .3% MDs.
May 2021 Conference Attendees Education Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Education Levels

October 2021 Conference Attendees Education Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Education Levels

2021 Conference Attendees Experience Graph
2021 In Aggregate


Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: How many years of work experience did you have prior to your career break?

May 2021 Conference Attendees Experience Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Years of Experience

October 2021 Conference Attendees Experience Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Years of Experience

2021 Conference Attendees Industry Graph

Industry Experience

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: In what industry was most of your prior experience in?

NOTE: We changed how Conference attendees could answer this question from the May 2021 to October 2021 Conference. For the May Conference, attendees could select multiple industries without restriction so totals do not equal 100%. For October 2021, we required attendees to select only their primary and secondary industry only. 

May 2021 Conference Attendees Industry Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Industry Experience

1,003 attendees: multiple industry choices allowed, so 2,086 responses collected
October 2021 Conference Attendees Industry Combined Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Industry Experience

1,472 attendees: primary and secondary industry choices allowed instead of multiple so 2,826 responses collected. Note 118 attendees selected a primary industry only.
October 2021 Conference Attendees Industry Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Industry Experience

1,472 attendees: shows breakdown of two industry choices (primary and secondary). Note 118 attendees selected a primary industry only.

2021 Conference Attendees Function Graph

Functional Experience

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: In what function was most of your prior experience in?

NOTE: We changed how Conference attendees could answer this question from the May 2021 to October 2021 Conference. For the May Conference, attendees could select multiple functions without restriction so totals do not equal 100%. For October 2021, we required attendees to select only their primary and secondary function only.

May 2021 Conference Attendees Function Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Functional Experience

1,003 attendees: multiple industry choices allowed, so 2,539 responses collected
October 2021 Conference Attendees Function Combined Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Functional Experience

1,472 attendees: primary and secondary functional choices allowed instead of multiple, so 2,838 responses collected. Note 106 attendees selected a primary industry only.
October 2021 Conference Attendees Function Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Functional Experience

1,472 attendees: shows breakdown of two functional choices (primary and secondary). Note 106 attendees selected a primary industry only.

Combined 2021 Conference Attendees Willing To Relocate Graph

Willingness to relocate

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences answered the question: Are you willing to relocate?

May 2021 Conference Attendees Willing To Relocate Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Willingness to relocate

October 2021 Conference Attendees Willing To Relocate Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Willingness to relocate

Combined 2021 Conference Attendees RTW Preference Graph

Return to Work Preference

Conference attendees of both 2021 conferences were asked: Please indicate your preference from the options provided.

May 2021 Conference Attendees RTW Preference Graph

May 2021 Attendees

Return to Work Preference

October 2021 Conference Attendees RTW Preference Graph

October 2021 Attendees

Return to Work Preference