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Registration is now OPEN!

Event Sponsorship

The iRelaunch Return to Work Conference is the largest and longest-running dedicated career reentry event in the United States.

Our flagship event, the iRelaunch Return to Work Conference brings together high-caliber professionals seeking to return to the workforce after a career break—for childcare, eldercare, personal or family health issues or other reasons—with employers interested in recruiting them.

iRelaunch's 37th and 38th Return to Work Conferences will be held in 2025, demonstrating our skill and consistency in curating a unique value-packed event for relaunchers and employers alike.

Our shift in 2020 to a virtual setting for our Conference means we can engage with employers and relaunchers regardless of location. Make sure you save the date on your calendar and get in touch with us to discuss sponsorship opportunities for these events!

Learn more about sponsorship opportunities

May25 savethedate
May 6–8, 2025

Spring Return to Work Conference

Our 37th iRelaunch Return to Work Conference will take place May 6–8, 2025. For more details click below.

I saw the caliber of the individual in the room at the iRelaunch Return to Work Conference [when I attended as an observer]. I was blown away and knew we were missing out by not tapping this talent pool.

Conference Sponsor
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We have three sponsorship levels available for our Conferences, each with its own distinct level of high-value, recruiting-focused benefits.

A limited number of sponsorships are available for each Conference and, particularly at the higher sponsorship levels, these opportunities fill quickly.

Icon lead sponsor


Icon partner sponsor


Icon friend sponsor


Reasons employers sponsor our Return to Work Conference...

Teal and yellow pipelines against purple brick wall

To create a pipeline of highly qualified, primarily female candidates

  • Increases number of  women in leadership roles
  • Broadens talent acquisition strategy
  • Contributes to diversity goals
Two women at an interview in an office setting

To recruit Conference attendees for return to work programs or for open roles not part of a program

  • Opportunity to meet and interview a large number of qualified relaunchers all in one place
Barriers to reentry concept

To understand the challenges of and solutions for career reentry

  • Meet relaunchers “face to face” (virtually) and speak with them one on one
  • Get introduced to strategies and advice we give to relaunchers at all stages of the relaunch process
  • Hear directly from relaunchers who have returned to work about how they did it, what they were thinking and how long it took
  • Learn from other employers running return to work programs
Smiling mature woman in office with coworkers in line behind her at work

To be recognized as a progressive employer where returning professionals want to work

  • Demonstrate your championship of relaunchers and the normalization of career breaks
  • Be recognized as an employer with a return to work program or that hires relaunchers in general
  • Underscore your commitment to diversity

Our past employer sponsors include these organizations...

We would be happy to discuss sponsorship options and the respective benefits associated with each sponsorship level. Please get in touch and let us know what you are hoping to accomplish!

Get in touch with our team!

Collen Olson Brick Background Headshot

Colleen Olson

iRelaunch - Senior Director of Business Development

Carla Dosmond 1080 X1080

Carla Dosmond

iRelaunch - Business Development Executive