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Consulting, Training and Programming

Our work with reentry expertise for any program type

 Benefit from unparalleled subject matter expertise.

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We’ve worked with over 350 employers, most of them global leaders in their sectors, to design, launch and market their career reentry programs and jobs of all kinds. Our breadth of experience allows us to be versatile in our offerings; we can serve as a strategy and implementation partner from conception to the program's launch and expansion or simply support individual elements of the program.

No matter how we partner, your organization receives our expert, best-practices-based advice and guidance.

Whether you are just starting to think about developing a program for relaunchers or are deep into it, we can help. Please get in touch to learn more about our client-centered consulting services so we can develop a custom proposal that meets your needs.

Carol Fishman Cohen Brick Background Headshot Close Distance

Meet Carol Fishman Cohen, Return to Work expert, consultant and trainer...

With nearly 30 years of experience in in-depth research, planning, and implementing career reentry programs from the ground up, Carol Fishman Cohen's consulting expertise offers unparalleled breadth and depth of knowledge. Whether you need the advice and perspective of an external consultant and thought leader or a program manager who has developed and scaled an in-house program from scratch, with iRelaunch, you have a dedicated expert by your side.

Shay baker headshot

iRelaunch was an integral partner to the launch of Return Utah and our partnership continues as the program is expanding. The iRelaunch team's guidance, expertise, ideas, examples and breadth of knowledge were critical to the success of the first cohort, which had to come together under a tight time frame. This was important because the first cohort established the framework for the program going forward. In addition, iRelaunch trained our Return Utah recruiters and managers, and ran the orientation and group coaching meetings for the relauncher participants. 100% of our participants were hired when the pilot completed and we could not be happier. Thank you iRelaunch!

Shay Baker Head, Return Utah
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iRelaunchhas flexible offerings available designed with your needs in mind. Get in touch with our team to find the right fit for your organization.

Reach out to our Business Development Team

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Carla Dosmond


Colleen Olson's headshot with a brick wall in the background in a circular frame

Colleen Olson