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Scripts & Dialogues Series - Part 4

We answer questions from our relauncher community about what to write and what to say when relaunching.

Question #1:
What do I write on a LinkedIn invitation to someone who doesn't know me yet, but with whom I want to connect before meeting at an upcoming conference, event or work session?

Whether you are meeting people for informational interviews, at a conference or professional association event, as part of a formal recruiting process, or once on the job, you should continue to use LinkedIn to build your network. Here’s what to write on the invitation.

The Script: What to write if you send the LinkedIn connection request before you meet someone

I’m going to be at the iRelaunch Return to Work Conference next week and noticed you are speaking on the Employer panel. It would be great to connect in advance. I’m very interested in the Company X Return to Work program and look forward to hearing your remarks. See you there!”

"I’m going to attend your session at next week’s ABC conference and wanted to connect in advance. I just finished reading your book X and thought the chapter on Y was especially relevant. See you there!"

“I’m new to Company X as part of the XYZ Return to Work Program. We are both going to be on the supply chain global call next week and it would be great to connect on LinkedIn in advance. See you then.”

Question #2:
What if I didn't think to connect ahead of time, but want to connect after the meeting or event? What do I write in that situation?

No problem. You can certainly connect after the meeting too.

The Script: What to write if you send the LinkedIn connection request after you met someone

It was great to meet you at the iRelaunch Return to Work Conference yesterday. I was intrigued by your comments on the panel, especially your remark about X. I’m interested in your return to work program and am excited to apply.”

“It was great to meet you at the career fair last week. I saw you posted the X job, which I just applied for, and I wanted you to know. I’m very interested in the role and hope I get a chance to speak with your team about what I can offer the Y Company.”

“It was great to meet you in the xyz meeting yesterday. As I mentioned, I’m new to Company X as part of the Y Return to Work Program [Or if you are not in a return to work program: “As I mentioned, I’m new to Company X”]. Thought I’d reach out to connect on LI and hope to see you again soon.”

Don't relaunch alone!

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