Families are packing up their former high school seniors for college, fresh notebooks and shiny school supplies are displayed at every storefront, and the family reunion on the lake is now a distant memory. In the blink of an eye, summer is winding down and now seemingly gone. Yet, how do you capture the essence of summer fun and spontaneity while also moving forward with your plans to relaunch?
- Take an inventory of what you did accomplish, but from a holistic perspective. Don’t focus on the long list of contacts you meant to reach out for virtual coffee but didn’t. Instead, celebrate what did go well despite that nagging “Sunday doom” pit in your stomach of what’s yet to come or perhaps unfinished. Many of my clients find it helpful to tack a physical list of YES’s on a bulletin board as a grounded reminder and touchstone. What are one or two things that make you smile when you witness their accomplishment? Did you follow up with your alumni association about upcoming meetings in your area? Did you practice your interviewing skills with a trusted confidante? Or clean your closets and donate several bags of old work clothes and accessories to a local shelter?
- The opposite of waiting for something to happen is being present. So, soak in these last few weeks of summer and be intentional about what’s in front of you. When you are very still and listen - make it a habit to eavesdrop on that tiny whisper inside your head. What do they say? When you do, notice and list one action item to move towards that desire. Often it involves letting go of an expectation about how the end of summer “should” be. We are all collectively still in transition as we navigate this post-pandemic world. Be gentle and easy on yourself – while mindful of when you may be held hostage by unrealistic expectations.
- Write a permission slip to YOURSELF. What do you crave to do - and could it possibly have absolutely nothing to do with your ongoing job search? Be thoughtful and decadent. Take a nap in the hammock or marvel at a beautiful sunset. Watch a romantic comedy on your computer, but in the middle of the day. Take a long morning walk with your dogs and maybe even get lost in the woods. Or grab a fluffy beach read and eat ice cream every night like you’re on vacation.
Let the end of summer set the stage for all that’s possible as your relaunch continues to flow. September is just around the corner, and with it surfaces a fresh perspective and a clean slate of opportunities. Stay in the moment and breath in what’s next – for your continued journey will confidently lead the way.