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Five Books Every Relauncher Should Read in 2022

With 2022 almost around the corner, December is a wonderful time to fine tune your relaunch plans and set your next career in action.

By Sara Dickison Taylor

Sara Dickison Taylor, ACC, is an iRelaunch recommended coach and President & Founder, Celebrate Life by Design, LLC. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Sara holds a Bachelor of Arts from Colby College and is also a graduate of the internationally recognized Coach University. As noted above, Sara studied her coaching craft with Dr. Martha Beck, renowned columnist for O Magazine and New York Times bestselling author.

As a life and business coach, I am asked countless times for the top books I recommend to my clients. My office bookcases are brimming with some of my favorites, but here is a distilled short list to help you navigate your own success. Happy reading and enjoy…here’s to YOU!

What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles

This book is a true classic for anyone writing and updating resumes, negotiating the best salary possible and/or practicing interviewing skills. With its well-known inventory called “The Flower Exercise” you discover that the best answer to “What shall I do” comes from knowing who you are. A great jump-start to discovering what’s next as you navigate your own course.

Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Love by Martha Beck

Martha Beck has helped hundreds of clients find their own North Star, fulfill their potential and live life more joyfully. This book shares a step-by-step program that will take you on an exhilarating journey of discovering your own ideal life, nurture your intuition and see what unconscious beliefs may be blocking your progress. I personally trained and studied with Dr. Beck and use these tools every day in my coaching practice. A wonderful starting point for anyone!

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The true grandfather to all self-help people books, How to Win Friends and Influence People became the single most influential book of all time. First published in 1937, this book has been at the cornerstone of helping people discover their ladder of success in business, as well as their personal life. A great back-to-basics read – you will witness the age-old power of praise and honest appreciation.

Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-lived and Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

This book was actually based on a popular class taught by the authors at Stanford University and includes exercises to help you apply the principles of design thinking to your own life. By reframing your limiting beliefs, “it doesn’t matter where you come from, where you think you are going, what job or career you have had or think you should have. You are not too late and you’re not too early.” Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-lived and Joyful Life will resonant with anyone looking for a blueprint to their next career!

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

James Clear provides a practical and proven framework for creating good habits and shedding bad ones – all based on behavioral science. An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to implement, but also the source of incredible power. Readers will be inspired and entertained with true success stories of gold medalists, award winning artists, business leaders…all who used the science of small habits to propel their craft to the top. “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Atomic Habits is a great book for anyone getting started on their relaunch path and a wonderful refresher course on what matters most.

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