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Do You Really Want to Go Back to Work?

As the summer months end, September is a natural reminder to kick-start a new routine and perhaps return to work.

By Sara Dickison Taylor

Sara Dickison Taylor, ACC, is an iRelaunch recommended coach and President & Founder, Celebrate Life by Design, LLC. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Sara holds a Bachelor of Arts from Colby College and is also a graduate of the internationally recognized Coach University. As noted above, Sara studied her coaching craft with Dr. Martha Beck, renowned columnist for O Magazine and New York Times bestselling author.

As we watch the yellow school buses round the corner, it feels like the perfect time to sharpen our pencils, open unused notebooks and reprioritize your job search. But after even being flooded with hopes of fresh starts and new beginnings, it's easy to second-guess your true intentions … "do I really want to return?" Here are a few suggestions to make certain you're starting a clear path and setting yourself up for success.

Importance of Clarity

Be practical and pragmatic. Ask yourself "what do I really want? What do I need at this particular juncture in life?" It's important to differentiate reality from perception, and that's where soul searching comes into play. Many times what we wanted before we took a career break is different than the here and now. Be flexible and open-minded while listening to your heart speak its truth. What's going to work logistically for you right now, not from the optics of years ago? A flexible work schedule may now be at the forefront versus traveling. Be very clear on your expectations and set boundaries around them.

Define Success

Before you took your career break, your definition of success may have also been completely different. What was perhaps once steeped in monetary obligations, can now be defined as what's gratifying and satisfying. It's important to embrace the practicalities of relaunching and what works in your present life. We don't live in a vacuum … be mindful of other contributing factors as you redefine and move forward.

Start Small

As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Be mindful of taking small and intentional steps towards returning to work. A series of calculated actions helps build momentum and gives us the sustaining confidence to move forward. Hire a career coach and start to map out what's next. Reconnect with former colleagues and/or alumni associations and begin to network and foster relationships. Attend a professional conference and "practice" putting yourself out there.

There is no clear-cut method or tried and true "trick" to getting back in the work world. But having realistic expectations is a sure-fire way to BEGIN … one step at a time!

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