Five prep steps to make it a success
Oh, what a year this has been as we continue to navigate this new post-Covid-19 world. All of us at iRelaunch are looking forward to you attending the iRelaunch Virtual Return to Work Conference in a few weeks. Huge congratulations for carving out the time to dive into three unforgettable days filled with top-notch speakers, employer sponsors, and a rich community of other like-minded professionals. For many of you, this may be the first time you are being introduced to the work of iRelaunch and perhaps your first virtual event. Here are some quick tips to help you hit the ground running and set yourself up for grand success!
It may seem obvious but honor the time you have put aside for this conference and make sure no other commitments bleed into your calendar. Let your family know the blocks of time/days you will be in virtual sessions and safeguard your time and energy. Find a quiet and interruption-free zone in your home to set the stage. Make certain you have plenty of water and easy, healthy snacks available, too! Take mini coffee/tea breaks, and don't forget to stand and stretch!
Now is a great time to familiarize yourself with company sponsor websites and read some of the provided speaker bios. Download the iRelaunch "Return to Work Roadmap" and review the overall schedule and timing. Think about any pressing questions you may have and start a running list. There will be plenty of time in many of these panels to sort through insights and burning questions.
The virtual conference platform will be on Brazen, and you will have many opportunities to familiarize yourself and download. Also, make certain your computer is fully charged and run any needed updates in advance too. Turn off any notifications, as well, as you step into your conference mindset.
What would be the ultimate takeaway from this conference? Perhaps learning to build more confidence while interviewing skills? Discovering simple secrets to update your Linked In profile or resume? Connecting with company sponsors? If you haven't already, now is a great time to join the iRelaunch Return-to-Work Facebook group (be sure to answer all 3 admission questions or you won't be allowed in!) and use conference hashtags (#ReturnToWorkConference #RTWConference #iRelaunch #ReturnToWork) to reference any conference takeaways. Create a working ACTION LIST with any insights, questions, and small tweaks you may need to add to your resume, Linked In profile, etc.
In this new virtual world, it's so easy to become distracted and lose sight of your primary intention. Be mindful of why you've set this networking and learning time aside and take a leap of faith. Immerse yourself in the conference. Remember, you will get as much out of it as you put in. Engage in the content and use the provided chat boxes for available Q&A. Soak in the many return-to-work strategies, hear advice from our iRelaunch team of professional coaches, and network with employer sponsors.
HOORAY… here's to YOU and an amazing three days together! We can't wait
to "see" you soon as you start your next return to work adventure!
Join our growing relauncher communities on Facebook and LinkedIn. For more great guidance on your relaunch and updates on when return to work programs are accepting applications, events for relaunchers and more, be sure to sign up for our Return to Work Report and follow us on social media to stay informed!